Generating SEO Leads? B2B Lead-Gen After COVID-19

While it’s fair to wish for a ‘return to normal,’ successful company executives recognize that they can’t swim in the same river twice. Nevertheless, businesses will be able to emerge stronger than before because of the new normal.

What’s It Like to Have Readily Available SEO Leads?

Agencies and freelancers undoubtedly want to recover, and scale, which is why many are looking to buy SEO leads to boost their ROI this coming 2022. The fastest way to succeed is to increase leads, qualify them, and convert more. This is where warm SEO leads come into the picture. Are you investing enough in tips this year and early next year?

Light Shines Through Darkness

Do you recall the global financial crisis of 2008?

Airbnb, Uber, WhatsApp, and Instagram were just a few of the world’s most well-known companies founded in the aftermath. When everyone thought that the US economy couldn’t get any worse, promising innovations loomed on the horizon.

These worldwide powerhouses were founded by ambitious entrepreneurs who rose from the ashes of the time’s harsh economic situation. Periods of considerable upheaval and turmoil have prompted reinvention throughout history. They have compelled civilization to break free from restraints, challenge old assumptions, and fulfill new imperatives.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a mathematical statistician, and essayist created “the black swan” in his 2007 book. The “black swan” refers to highly unanticipated occurrences that drastically alter society. COVID-19 unmistakably meets this description.

So, where do you see your black swan possibilities?

Let’s look at one exciting customer behavior trend to find out. According to new statistics from SEMrush, internet searches for ‘customer experience’ have climbed by 20% since April 2020. This shows that customers are looking for more meaningful and genuine experiences. In addition, customers want company leaders to innovate and provide unique human-powered and technologically aided experiences in the wake of severe lockdowns and the continuing fear of going out in public.

We have little control of what happens biologically, but we can help people obtain solutions through channels they now cherish the most.

Even web designers and web design companies should bring people together when new technologies have made it simpler to keep them apart. Investing in web design leads is a good start.

Businesses should try to appeal to the basic human desire to belong – to be accepted, and valued, no matter where they are in life. Now is the time to develop a customer attitude that challenges and improves every high-value interaction with customers. This probably explains why there is also an increase in the demand for social media marketing leads for companies engaged in multiple levels of social media management. However, the social element will remain – the signs are telling, and “metaverse” is just one of the signs.

Here are five critical times to think about as you try to improve your client experience:


How can you make sure that every customer who interacts with you and your team feels instantly welcomed?

Transition Experiences

How can you assist clients in anticipating and smoothly transitioning from one stage of their journey to the next (for example, from sales to service)?

Peak Experiences

How can you magnify the good feelings people have when they’re with you?

Pain Points

Where can you relieve them of discomfort or friction on their journey?


How do you continuously express gratitude and cheerfully invite them back as they leave?

How will you enhance the moments that matter most to your consumers in the future, with customer experience trends favoring contactless payment, more use of QR codes, increased availability of AI-assisted chat, and improved training for service providers?

SEO Lead Strategies for Different Marketing Channels

Marketing Strategies for Social Media

B2B marketing has become more reliant on social media. Paid advertising is frequently less expensive than traditional advertising, but it provides a lot of mileage. However, unlike the B2C industry, where social media is one of the most efficient digital marketing tools, the B2B market is more challenging.

What is the social media conversion rate?

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for B2B social media conversion rates, there are several mathematical assumptions you can apply to determine effectiveness. After analyzing the data from over 4,000 user accounts, Marketo calculated that social media conversion is 1.95 percent, while inbound conversion is 3.82 percent.

Despite its enormous reach, anecdotal evidence suggests that social media falls short in terms of conversion rates when compared to other B2B digital platforms.

When it comes to lead creatino in social media networks, quantity over quality appears to be the standard. This makes social platforms ideal for top-of-funnel awareness — for example, you might promote a downloaded ebook as an early offer to acquire quality leads.

You should concentrate on two key channels:

– LinkedIn ads

– Facebook lead-gen ads

Running Ads on LinkedIn

It’s no surprise that LinkedIn, the most popular B2B social network, has above-average conversion rates for B2B social media.

Investing your time and effort in a channel with high levels of engagement, on the other hand, does not guarantee success. The strategies you employ on LinkedIn must include the following:

– Buyer personas are used to target audiences.

– Giving the ad a noteworthy, current angle

– Testing CTAs, graphics, and language regularly

Running Lead-Gen Ads on Facebook

Facebook lead Ads should also be a part of your social media campaign. According to one poll, around 60% of B2B buyers used mobile in their recent purchases. Furthermore, for the past few years, online business queries have been increasingly transitioning to smartphones.

Because Facebook Lead Ads are meant to generate leads on the world’s largest social media platform, they’re particularly effective.

After Facebook’s analytics revealed that users found it challenging to signal their purpose to businesses on Facebook mobile, the company created this tool in 2015. This problem is solved with Facebook Lead Ad, allowing B2B users to sign up for your offer in just two taps without leaving Facebook. It’s both audience-specific and very customizable. Facebook ads aren’t meant to take the place of your existing landing pages, though.

Lead Generation Through Blogging

Blogging has always been the core of content marketing efforts. This strategy focuses on producing entertaining or valuable information to your target audience to attract and maintain online interaction for future leads.

The advantages of corporate blogging have been discussed extensively. So let’s go over the primary benefits that pertain to the B2B sector once more:

Increase site visitors. Your blog can give you search visibility by linking you to terms your prospects are searching for with the correct SEO planning and publishing calendar. In addition, each blog post you make adds to the number of indexed pages for your material on Google.

Convert visitors into leads. A well-placed call to action (CTA) in a fascinating blog post can attract readers to your lead generation landing page.

This is a repeat customer. For recurring business or recommendations, a blog may satisfy existing clients with fresh content.

How effective is B2B blogging?

Blogging offers advantages as part of an effective and ongoing content marketing effort. Here are three benefits that you should be aware of:

– When compared to traditional marketing, content marketing generates three times the number of leads. In addition, businesses that use content marketing have a 6x greater conversion rate.

– 61% of consumers are influenced by custom content.

– Blogging also creates authority in a specific niche and brings prospects into your sphere of influence. So when you look for important content like guides on the internet, it won’t take long before you see the hard hitters of the SEO industry bringing up entire courses and long blogrolls of expert content.

Which content types are most effective in lead generation?

When the content kinds indicated below are aligned with your marketing objectives, they are most effective. In short, you must continue to put in the effort to produce issues that will attract your target audience.

– Authoritative posts are those on which you are the authority or expert.

– High-quality opinion pieces that are backed by industry data

– Original case studies commissioned for use in the industry.

– Let’s not forget how-to content or content focused on providing Instructions and tutorials for solving challenges faced by prospects.

– Content that is currently trending and relevant to your business.

– Infographics – these are visual representations of information that are easy to understand and, therefore, super easy to consume

– Did you know that 72% of prospects would rather watch a video than read about a product?

SEO Lead Generation Strategies for Email Marketing

Email may not appear attractive in a world of posts, likes, and shares, but it remains relevant now as it was years ago. Email is frequently used to link marketing automation and CRM, two of the most popular cloud marketing systems today. Lead generation still begins with an email opt-in, and lead nurturing continues with email marketing.

According to research, it was the best B2B digital marketing channel beginning 2014. Just two years later, email marketing retained its strength and became a top digital marketing channel. Things haven’t changed in 2021 – email marketing is still as relevant as ever. Email marketing remains a powerful digital channel for generating leads and revenue for B2B marketers in the United States.

Automated lead scoring, predictive analytics, and AI algorithms have only added to email marketing’s ability to deliver laser-focused, tailored messages in real-time. In short, email marketing remains one of your most effective tools for engaging intent signals, disseminating content, and providing pitches.

What is the email marketing conversion rate?

According to GetResponse, the average email open rate is 82.2%, with a CTR of 21.69 percent. The numbers were further broken down by region, with North America accounting for 21.01% (open rate) and 3.50% (close rate). Internet marketing has an opening rate equivalent to 18% and a CTR of 3.16%.

Meanwhile, email marketing conversion allows them to make $44 for every dollar spent on email marketing, according to the Marketing Inside Group. So yes, email marketing has one of the highest conversion rates ever.

What elements have an impact on email marketing conversion?

While brainstorming content or offers requires imagination, email marketing is more akin to a science. It’s something you can measure, evaluate, and improve. The following are the most critical aspects that influence your email marketing conversion rates:

– Value offer: You’ll need a lead magnet to get people to join up for your email list, whether it’s a valuable material, freebies, promotions, or anything else that interests your audience.

– Optimize your landing page by including a clear offer of your lead magnet, a compelling call to action, permission, and engaging aesthetics.

– Email subject line: This must be concise, captivating, and beneficial to the receiver.

– Remember to split your list into sub-lists for more targeted messages and higher open and click-through rates.

– You can use analytics to clean up your lists regularly and update them as needed depending on past recipient behaviors.

Top Three Best Practices in Lead-Gen

– Make sure you’re targeting the proper people. Be aware of your buyer personas. For example, in B2B, your target audience could be people from several departments. Micro-audiences with diverse interests and pain points are frequently used instead of an audience.

– Make a lead magnet. Create material or offerings that stimulate your target audience’s interest. The top lead magnets use NLP strategies in marketing, such as clear, concrete benefit, urgency, exclusivity, social proof, authority, and fleeting pleasure.

– Investigate new lead sources. High-value sponsorships are likely to clog search, social, and top media sites. You can, however, find unique PPC channels for the SOE industry, such as B2B software review sites or comparable third-party markets. These sites have higher conversion rates and tend to win high-value general organic search phrases since they cater

Marius Carlos

Marius Carlos

About Rankleads

Rankleads is a Lead Generation Company that provides warm leads to Internet Marketing Companies.  We focus on Web Design Leads, SEO Leads, Social Media Leads, Pay-Per-Click Management Leads, App Development Leads, and Reputation Management Leads.  All of our leads are Fresh and Exclusive (provided only to one company). 

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